

Employer Sponsored Opportunities


Employer Sponsored Opportunities


Sign up for free today

Immi Connect
Sign up for free today


Sign up for free today

About the program

ImmiConnect is the Office of Immigration Australia’s Employer Sponsored program which allows overseas workers to receive job interview invitations from  Australian employers, when job opportunities come available.

The program aims to bring globally mobile, highly-skilled and specialised individuals to Australia who can fill critical areas of need.

*ImmiConnect is exclusive to active Australian Immigration Bulletin Members only. You must be a current Australian Immigration Bulletin Member to be eligible to receive job interview invitations.

Important information

Signing up to ImmiConnect in no way guarantees you will receive an interview for an employer sponsored job.Because being invited for a sponsorship is exceptionally competitive, we strongly encourage anyone seeking an employer sponsorship offer to continue with their   Subclass 189 application and do not wait to be invited for a job offer or job interview by ImmiConnect.